Want to Live Somewhere Safe? Maine and New England is Your Best Bet
According to a recent report, it's been another banner year for safety here in Maine.
Wallethub.com, a personal finance website, recently published a report of the safest states in America. The Pine Tree State found itself right near the top of list.
Maine came in as the 2nd safest state. That's quite the accomplishment, to say the least.
Maine finished with a score of 66.95 on the survey's 100-point scale. The scoring fell under five major categories: Personal & Residential Safety, Financial Safety, Workplace Safety, Road Safety, and Emergency Preparedness. These five were broken down to 53 subcategories to further aide with detail and accuracy. You can read about the methodology here.
Maine scored very well in every major category, with all five in the Top 20. The state ranked 1st in emergency preparedness, 2nd in road safety, 3rd in personal & residential safety, 13th in financial safety, and 19th in workplace safety. With these high scores, it's no surprise that Maine found itself ranked 2nd overall.
According to WalletHub, the only state ahead of Maine was its Northern New England brother, Vermont. Those maple syrup chuggin' folks came in with a slightly higher score of 68.79, with the lowest ranking being just 14th.
The rest of the top five includes Maine's neighbor, New Hampshire, which got the 3rd ranking. The other two spots went to Utah and Hawaii.
Overall, New England absolutely cleaned house. Massachusetts and Connecticut were ranked 6th and 7th, respectably, while Rhode Island drew the short stick at 10th.
Yes, every New England state fell in the Top 10. That is some serious bragging rights for this region.
Read on for the Top 10 Safest Cities and Towns in Maine
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