Reward Offered for Info about Two Deer Carcasses Dumped on I-95 in Benedicta, Maine
A $3,000 reward is being offered for information about two deer carcasses that were left on the side of Interstate 95 in Benedicta in Aroostook County, Maine. The remains were found on Thursday near mile marker 260.
“The deer was left to waste next to the highway”
Spokesperson and Communications Director for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Mark Latti, said “Some of the meat was taken from the deer, but much of the deer was left to waste next to the highway.” He said the animals were left sometime between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on December 1, 2022. Latti also added that one of the deer was not registered.
Reward Money Offered to Find who Killed the Deer
The Maine Operation Game Thief is posting the reward money for information that leads to the arrest of those responsible for killing two doe. Anyone with information related to this incident is asked to contact them at 1-800-ALERT-US or provide an online tip at maineogt.org.

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