Weather Looks Perfect For Free Fishing This Weekend
No doubt that sometimes when you plan something in Maine in February the weather will spank you but not this time. This weekend is free fishing weekend and it looks to be perfect.
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife offers up several free fishing weekends each year and the next one is this coming Saturday, February 16 and Sunday, February 17. During these free fishing events any person may fish for free without a license on Maine’s waterways, except those who have had their license suspended or revoked. All other rules and regulations, including bag and possession limits, apply. Free fishing weekend is open to both residents and non-residents.
So if ice fishing has always looked intriguing to you click here to see what you'll need for supplies according to the MIFW.
The Department is encouraging experienced anglers to consider serving as a mentor and to introduce a new angler to the sport during the free fishing weekend.
In a press release Commissioner Judy Camuso said:
“Maine’s nearly 6,000 lakes and ponds and more than 30,000 miles of rivers and streams offer endless opportunities for the thousands of residents and non-residents who fish them each year. The free fishing weekend is a great chance for people to try fishing for the first time or for more experienced anglers to teach a new angler the joys of the sport.”
As always, the Department reminds everyone to be cautious and always check ice conditions before venturing out.