Behold: The Most Maine Inspired Bookend to Add to Your Library
It happens to all of us, we see ads on a daily basis, especially while scrolling through social media. If it's not an ad, we see "things you may like" based on other places where we like to shop. Well, I came across one ad for something on Amazon that I had to click on.
Why did I click on it, well, simply because it is something that is just so Maine and I love books.
We all know Maine author, Stephen King, that lives in Bangor, and his horror novels. If you haven't read one of his books, you may have seen some movies based on his novels.
Stephen King's novel, 'The Shining,' was one of his books that were converted to a movie. The actor, Jack Nicholson, played the main character that was an author who took his family to an isolated hotel. While at the hotel the family started to see some strange things (and people) and Nicolson's character started to go insane. The novel and movie have had success, that a stage adaption of 'The Shining' is currently in the works.
One of the most iconic scenes from the film is when Jack Nicolson chops down the bathroom door to say "Here's Johnny!"
Well, if you are a fan of "The Shining' and are a book lover, you probably would have clicked on this ad too!
The iconic scene can literally be in your library now (and it may be making its way onto my bookshelf). I found a bookend that will support your books to look like it is squishing Jack Nicolson's face like the door frame in the movie.
Now, I know that there are probably other Maine-inspired bookends and that this specific bookend is based more on a film, however, it wouldn't even be an option without the hard work of Mainer Stephen King.
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