Another Meth Lab Busted in Southern Aroostook
The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency has arrested three people following the discovery of a meth lab inside a home in Sherman.
As part of an ongoing investigation into the illicit manufacturing of methamphetamine, MDEA’s Aroostook County Task Force, assisted by the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Office and US Border Patrol Agents, searched a mobile home at 130 Silver Ridge Road in Sherman Tuesday. Found inside were materials consistent with the manufacture of methamphetamine and the MDEA lab response team was called to assist with evidence collection and clean-up, according to MDEA Commander Peter Arno.
Arrested are:
Gloria Cahill, 50 , of Sherman. Cahill has been charged with Class A Aggravated Operation of a Meth Lab. This charge was aggravated due to a prior felony drug trafficking conviction.
Eliza Berberian, 29, of Sherman. Berberian has been charged with Class A Aggravated Operation of a Meth Lab. This charge was aggravated due to a prior felony drug trafficking conviction.
Shawn Michaud, 31, of Sherman. Michaud has been charged with Class B Unlawful Operation of a Meth Lab.
The trio was transported to the Aroostook County Jail. MDEA was also assisted at the scene the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the Sherman Fire Department.
This is the 123rd meth related incident that MDEA has responded to this year, more than double the meth responses of 2015, in which there were 56.
This investigation is continuing and more arrests are possible, Arno said.
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