Wintergreen Arts Center is Bringing Back The Wintergreen Express
Wintergreen Express to the North Pole
The Wintergreen Express is back for 2021. Wintergreen Arts Center’s holiday event is taking place December 10, 11 and 12, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It’s a fun evening with the destination the North Pole. There’s a magic trolley to take you there, or you can go in your own vehicle.
Ticket Info
Tickets are on sale November 15, starting at 12 p.m. noon.
There are "two options, two prices this year," said Wintergreen Arts Center. "Take a magical ride on Molly the Trolley from the Sargent Family Community Center for $15 per round trip ticket or drive directly to the Wintergreen Arts Center for $7.50 per ticket to the North Pole."
You can get tickets several different ways when they go on sale Monday, November 15 at 12:00 Noun. Go online at www.wintergreenarts.org (click on WINTERGREEN EXPRESS TICKETS). You can also order by phone by calling (207) 762-3576, or go to Wintergreen Arts Center at the Aroostook Centre Mall in Presque Isle (830 Main Street).
Fun & Activities at the Event
The Wintergreen Express has it all from visiting with Santa Claus, drinking hot chocolate served by his elves, dancing and singing - it all happens at the North Pole by Trolley or in your car. You get to decorate and eat sugar cookies too. It doesn’t get any better. It just got better - there are souvenir jungle bells for the little ones to take home. Pretty awesome.
Wintergreen Arts Center said, "This event is intended for children ages 10 and under. Everyone needs a ticket to enter the North Pole. All children must be accompanied by at least one ticketed adult. Wee ones, 12-months and younger ride free. Upon purchase, ticket holders receive an email receipt indicating the date, time, and type of ticket(s) they selected to the North Pole."
A Thank You
Wintergreen’s executive director, Dottie Hutchins said, “Wintergreen thanks all of our community partners and the dozens and dozens of volunteers who truly make this an enchanted experience for the young and young-at-heart.”
More Info
Reach out to Wintergreen Arts Center for more information or if you have any questions. The phone number is (207) 762-3576. Their email is wintergreenarts@gmail.com.
Feature photo courtesy of Wintergreen Arts Center: Zach Poisson whispers his wish list to Santa Claus at Wintergreen Express 2019
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