It’s that time of year again—when the great debate of “should I crank up the heat or just wrap up in blankets?” comes back to haunt us all.

At the time of this article, According to the Governor's Energy Office, the current average price of heating oil in Maine is sitting at $3.38/gallon, while the NH Department of Energy shows the states average at $3.51/gallon. They also state that kerosene prices are averaging $4.29/gallon in Maine and $4.53/gallon in New Hampshire.

For those of us who aren't exactly rolling in dough, the dilemma between switching on the heat or layering up like a real life eskimo is real.


With mild temps this week, lots of Northern New Englanders won't need to worry too much about the thermostat but as well all know, this won't last. That said, October is often times bearable with a good blanket and a hoodie, maybe even half of November if you're feeling brave. But let's be honest—eventually, the cold wins, and that thermostat is going on whether we like it or not.

Olivier Le Moal
Olivier Le Moal

According to a Facebook poll, this is when people in Maine and New Hampshire plan on caving in on the cold.

  • Heat's already on: 52%
  • Only when it’s absolutely necessary: 35%
  • Not until November 1st or later: 13%

Unfortunately, paying those heating bills can feel more painful than the cold itself. But there’s a silver lining—help is available! Mainers can apply for the Home Energy Assistance Program through Maine Housing, which helps cover heating costs, and folks in New Hampshire can do the same through the NH Department of Energy. So if you're eyeing that thermostat with dread and anxiety, this could lighten your load if you qualify.

15 Items You Need Before Facing Winter in New England

As winter approaches, having warm clothing, snow removal equipment, and a safe vehicle are essential for overall safety. We have put together a list of items you should have on hand before the snow flies.

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Gallery Credit: Megan



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