Watch Unbelievable Go Pro Footage of Seabrook, NH, Woman Reeling in a Monster of a Tuna
Michelle has been fishing most of her life. Like most things, if you implement the three P's, practice, patience, and persistence you are bound to get better at it. In 2015 she started fishing mostly for tuna and in 2019 she bought her own boat. The FV No Limits (FV = fishing vessel)
"No Limits" seems like an appropriate name for Michelle's boat. Remember when she reeled in this monster of a Blue Fin on one of her first solo ventures back in July?! Can you say...BEAST MODE!?!?!
This past Wednesday she did it again, completely solo! It took her about an hour to reel this big boy in. Michelle shared with me that she listened to everyone’s advice from her last post on how to get a fish this size on the boat. And it looks like it worked!
This one was 108 inches and dressed weight 601 (That’s minus the head, tail and gutted) Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor!
Michelle has fished on a lot of different boats and has learned from some of the best captains around. She said:
"I am very thankful for each and every one of them. They have all been super respectful and supportive of me being one of the only female captains in the area. It’s not always easy to find and female crew who loves to fish as much as I do. I am always looking for the right female crew member."
Michelle has her 100 Ton Boat Captain's License and does charters out of Hampton. She also does lobstering and has a 100 trap license. If you ever want to join Captain Michelle for a fishing trip, get in touch with her on Instagram @fv_no_limits!
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