Cleverly Placed Rock on Squad Car Makes A Big Impact
Parent? Student? Teacher? Citizen?
Who knows who cleverly put the rock on the Trooper’s squad car.
But it sure speaks volumes. Not just about the effect a police officer can have on a citizen. The reverse is true too. It is a tremendous act for whomever did it, to do it. You rock!
The story
Maine State Trooper Tyler Mallon was in Pittsfield at Warsaw Middle School and Vickery Elementary School which are on School Street. The officer was doing a school safety check. It was pick up time as school is dismissed and the lines of buses seemingly go on forever.
The Officer does what he was there to do, and when he heads back to the cruiser, he sees a stone sitting on the mirror outside the car. A painted rock that says
You make a difference.
The dozens and dozens of social media comments on the Maine State Troopers page say it all. Uplifting, positive, supportive comments from those near and far.
To all in blue, you know it’s not an easy gig you signed up to do. So know that you are appreciated and supported and that this rock could have come from so many different people who say thank you.
And to the one who did leave it. You are clever, and you too are much appreciated for spreading good cheer.
Maine State Police says
It's an act of kindness that made Trooper Maloon's day and ours as well. Thank you to whomever put it there!
Trooper Tyler Mallon says
The smallest act of kindness could completely change someone's day.