Maine State Police Troop F Weekly Report (September 4 – 10)
Troop F of the Maine State Police responded to 118 calls for service over the past week in and around Aroostook County. Here is the Troop's weekly report:
Incident Type: WARRANT Date: 9/04/2017 Town: Houlton Tr. Lilley stopped a vehicle on Interstate 95 in Houlton for a traffic infraction. During the stop, Tr. Lilley discovered the man had a sealed warrant for his arrest for theft by unauthorized taking or transfer from Wells PD. The man was arrested without incident and was taken to the Aroostook County Jail
Incident Type: CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Date: 9/07/2017 Town: Easton Trooper: Cpl. Michaud Brief Synopsis: Cpl. Michaud responded to an Easton residence after receiving a call that a young man’s brake line appeared to have been cut on his truck. The vehicle had been parked for a several days at an apartment complex and had been unattended. The man drove the truck a short distance down the road and pulled into a driveway when he realized his brakes did not appear to be working properly. It did appear that the brake lines had been cut, and the investigation is ongoing.
Incident Type: CRIMINAL SPEED Date: 9/08/2017 Town: Littleton Trooper: Tr. Sylvia Brief Synopsis: Tr. Sylvia charged a Hodgdon man with Criminal Speed on Friday morning. Tr. Sylvia was monitoring traffic on Route 1 when he noticed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. The vehicle was clocked at 93 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. The man was summoned to a Houlton Court date later this fall.
Incident Type: OAS Date: 9/08/2017 Town: Wallagrass Trooper: Tr. Curtin Brief Synopsis: Tr. Curtin stopped a vehicle on Route 11 in Wallagrass for speeding. A computer check revealed that the St. Agatha man had a suspended license. The man was cited for operating on a suspended license and speed. He was warned for possession of a suspended license.
Incident Type: Traffic Offense Summonsed Date: 9/09/2017 Town: Patten Trooper: Tr. Adams Brief Synopsis: Tr. Adams stopped a vehicle for speeding on the South Patten Road in Patten. Upon further investigation it was discovered that the operator had an expired Maine Divers License. The operator’s license had expired in June of 2012. The operator was issued a criminal summons for driving with an expired license greater than 90 days Class E.
Incident Type: OAS Date: 9/08/2017 Town: Mars Hill Trooper: Cpl. Quint Brief Synopsis: During a distracted driving detail, Cpl. Quint arrested a 31-year-old Mars Hill man for OAS (third OAS in past two weeks). The man was recently arrested by Tr. Kilcollins for OAS and a week prior was issued a criminal summons also by Tr. Kilcollins for OAS. The man was taken to the Aroostook County Jail in Houlton for OAS and for violating his conditions of release. The man told Cpl. Quint he was trying to work on the vehicle and was driving to check a few things on the car.
Incident Type: VIOLATION OF BAIL Town: Patten Trooper: Tr. Adams Brief Synopsis: Tr. Adams stopped a vehicle in the town of Patten for speeding. Upon investigation the passenger of the vehicle was on pre-trial out of Aroostook County with conditions of search and test at any time without reasonable articulable suspicion. Upon a search of the vehicle four open alcohol containers were found in the vehicle. The female was in violation of her bail by having the alcohol in her possession. The female was arrested and transported to Penobscot County Jail and the male was put through field sobriety and was determined to not be impaired. The driver was issued a summons for having an open container on a public way.
Incident Type: OUI Date: 9/09/2017 Town: Island Falls Trooper: Tr. Lilley Brief Synopsis: Tr. Lilley stopped a vehicle in Island Falls for a traffic infraction. During the stop he suspected the driver was impaired and conducted Field Sobriety Testing. The man was then arrested for OUI and transported to the Aroostook County Jail where an Intoxilyzer test was given.
Incident Type: ACCIDENT Date: 9/09/2017 Town: Saint John Trooper: Tr. Desrosier Brief Synopsis: Tr. Desrosier responded to a vehicle that had gone off the road and was on its roof in Saint John Plantation. When Tr. Desrosier arrived there was no one around the vehicle. Tr. Desrosier located the owner and after an interview admitted to driving the vehicle and having the crash. The man said he did not have a phone to report the crash. The man received a criminal summons for not reporting the crash as well as several traffic summonses for various violations.
Incident Type: K-9 ACTIVITY Date: 9/10/2017 Town: Presque Isle Trooper: Tr. Levesque Brief Synopsis: Tr. Levesque and K-9 “Vitz” responded to an address to assist Presque Isle PD with searching for various articles as part of an investigation they were conducting. Trp. Levesque and Vitz conducted an article search and located several items for the local officers.
Incident Type: WARRANT Date: 9/10/2017 Town: Patten Trooper: Tr. Lilley Brief Synopsis: While investigating a domestic violence incident Tr. Lilley was checking an address to see if his DV suspect was there. While talking to a man outside Tr. Lilley recognized him and knew the man had a warrant for failing to appear in court for a previous OAS charge from Tr. Lilley. When Tr. Lilley told the man he had a warrant and was being arrested the man resisted arrest. Tr. Lilley got the man handcuffed and arrested him on the warrant. The man was also charged with refusing to submit to arrest/detention.
Incident Type: MISSING PERSON Date: 9/10/2017 Town: Woodland Trooper: Tr. Desrosier Brief Synopsis: Tr. Levesque and Tr. Desrosier responded to Woodland for a report of a missing person. Marilyn Cote, age 76, had left her house on foot sometime during the morning and couldn’t be located. Troopers, Game Wardens and citizen volunteers immediately started a search of the surrounding area in an attempt to locate Cote, utilizing Tr. Levesque’s K-9 “Vitz” and also Warden Service aircraft and ATV’s. Within a few hours the missing woman was located by volunteer searchers in a field off the Langley Rd. Cote had sustained some minor cuts from a fall while she was walking and was transported to Cary Medical Center by Caribou Ambulance for treatment.
Incident Type: PROBATION VIOLATION Date: 9/10/2017 Town: Westmanland Trooper: Tr. Levesque Brief Synopsis: Tr. Desrosier and Tr. Levesque responded to a camp in Westmanland for a report of a person with a pistol trying to break into the building. When the Troopers arrived they saw no indication that anyone had been there or had attempted to enter the camp. The woman who made the complaint appeared to be high on methamphetamines. Her 37-year-old boyfriend was also present and was in violation of his probation conditions. After speaking with the probation officer, the man was arrested for violating his probation.
Troop F of the Maine State Police is responsible for Aroostook County and the extreme northern sections of Somerset, Piscataquis and Penobscot counties.
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