Folks around the country religiously follow Dave Portnoy’s pizza reviews. Well, this pizza joint in Maine will be featured at his yearly pizza festival!

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Dave Portnoy became a familiar face here in Maine last summer, primarily through his pizza reviews in our Pine Tree State's largest city.

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First off, who is Dave Portnoy?

For those unfamiliar with Dave Portnoy, he's the founder of Barstool Sports, a sports and pop culture blog that was founded in Milton, Massachusetts.

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But why does Dave Portnoy’s opinion on pizza matter?

If you're not aware, every weekday, Barstool Sports uploads a Dave Portnoy-hosted pizza review on their One Bite Pizza Review YouTube channel with over 1.3 million subscribers, following the mantra, "One bite, everybody knows the rules."

So with that being said, yes, Dave has had a lot of pizza, and generally, his reviews can make or break a pizza shop.

Dave Portnoy’s One Bite Pizza Festival is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th, 2024.

The second annual One Bite Pizza Festival is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th at Randall’s Island Park in New York. It is being advertised as “THE GREATEST GATHERING OF PIZZERIAS EVER!” and will feature “ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT PIZZA FROM 35+ OF DAVE PORTNOY’S HIGHEST-RATED PIZZA PARLORS IN AMERICA.”

Credit: One Bite Pizza Fest / Barstool Sports on Facebook
Credit: One Bite Pizza Fest / Barstool Sports on Facebook

So, which Maine restaurant will be featured at this year’s One Bite Pizza Festival?

Monte’s Fine Foods in Portland will have a presence at this year’s One Bite Pizza Festival. Of course, this means that Dave has reviewed them before. In his review, Dave gave Monte’s Fine Foods an 8.4 out of 10.

What are your thoughts on Monte’s Fine Foods in Portland? And what are your thoughts on their inclusion at this year’s One Bite Pizza Festival?

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