Maine Gets Moment of Fame on Comedy Central’s ‘The Daily Show’
I’d say it’s safe to assume you’ve probably heard of “The Daily Show” even if you’ve never watched it. The TV series on Comedy Central is provocative, satirical, and hysterical, making exaggerated and funny jokes about daily life and current news.
Maine made its way to one of the show’s top stories with our new rules cracking down on vanity plates.
Vanity Plates in Maine
Maine is known for its hysterical and often inappropriate vanity plates. One of the many things to love about Mainers is their sense of humor but the state is cracking down and enforcing new rules to eliminate obscenities on vanity plates.
According to the Bangor Daily News, the state has recalled 274 plates just this year.
Of those plates is a vegetarian’s vanity plate that he appealed to but lost, even though his license plate shares his love of tofu. You can read more about the details of that case from our lovely Lori Voornas right here.
Maine Vanity Plates on “The Daily Show”
This very tofu plate made its way to “The Daily Show” for a segment hosted by Marlon Wayans who riffs off a Fox 23 news broadcast about the tofu vanity plate.
The segment about Maine starts at the 4:10 mark:
Honestly, the whole thing is funny, especially as a Mainer, but my favorite part was when correspondent Micahel Kosta says, “As you’d expect, I summer in Maine…” and the crowd starts cracking up.
Vacationland is known as the summer hotspot and a random place celebrities have homes in and we welcome an insane amount of tourists as soon as the temperatures are bearable. I just love how that’s a known fact.
Even though this is a comedy bit, there’s nothing but the truth in these statements. Like Marlon Wayans said himself, cars in Maine are getting a little more boring.
Let Mainer’s plates be weird! Let us be gross! It’s fun and funny!
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