Sometimes I feel like I can't keep up with the Tik Tok trends and lango, and the term 'Holiday Heart' surfacing the internet has really just followed suit. When you read "Holiday Heart" don't you automatically think of something heart-warming? Well, it's actually the complete opposite. This term is actually no joke, and to my surprise it has nothing to do with having a big heart for the holidays.

What is Holiday Heart?

According to the national institute of health, it's actually a heart condition linked directly to binging too much during the holidays.

"The term "Holiday Heart Syndrome" is used to describe the manifestation of cardiac arrhythmias following a period of binge drinking, often observed during weekends and holidays". -NIH

One of my favorite parts of Maine is the bars being open on holidays when most are closed. Thanksgiving brought us a huge ice storm this year so my best friend couldn't make it home to Vermont and I couldn't make the trip to Boston. So we had our own holiday in Ruski's..which is always a good time but take this as a little sign not to take it too far for your own holiday season! So my message to you is have fun, but be safe and cognizant of how much fun!

2025 Concerts in Maine, New Hampshire, & Massachusetts

These are some of the most anticipated tours coming to New England in 2025

8 Bumper Stickers That Maine Drivers Should Remove ASAP

Listen, we’re not trying to be Debbie Downers here; we just want to keep you safe from the crazies on the road. Some bumper stickers can attract the wrong kind of attention. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of eight bumper stickers that Maine drivers should avoid putting on their vehicles—or remove if they already have them. Keep scrolling to see which ones made the list and why ditching them might just save you a headache!

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