Former Brewer Man Arrested On Multiple Domestic Violence Charges
Brandon Rego, 32, formerly of Brewer, was arrested Wednesday after what Brewer Police call "an extensive investigation into multiple domestic violence crimes."
"Rego was arrested at the request of Brewer PD in Palmyra by the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office and subsequently transferred to the Penobscot County Jail, where he is being held with no bail."
Among the charges Rego faces are:
- Aggravated Reckless Conduct (Class B)
- Aggravated Domestic Violence Assault (Class A)
- Criminal Restraint (Class D)
- Endangering the Welfare of a Child (Class D)
- Domestic Violence Stalking (Class D)
- Domestic Violence Terrorizing (Class D)
- Violation of a Protection Order (Class D)
According to NewsCenter Maine, Rego did have a bail hearing Wednesday afternoon, where very specific conditions were laid out in order for him to be released.
- "$100,000 cash bail
- No direct or indirect contact with the victim
- Not to be at the victim's residence, work, or school
- No use or possession of a dangerous weapon with random search and testing
- No use or possession of intoxicants with random search on articulable suspicion
- Maine pretrial contract"
Moffiy says the case has been submitted to the Penobscot County District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
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