Are Fireworks Illegal In Your Maine Town?
It is kind of hard to believe, but we are already in fireworks season here in Maine.
Back in the day, our big fireworks celebration were nearly always held ONLY around the 4th of July. Now, we can find nearly any reason to put on a fireworks display. New Years Eve, music festivals, town festivals, concerts...
But, what do you do if you do not live near one of the cities holding a fireworks display?
Here's where you say, "but fireworks are legal in Maine, so I will just put on my own display!"
Yes, while it has been legal for the average Joe to possess and use fireworks in Maine for over a decade, there are many towns that still restrict the sale and usage of fireworks.
According to the Maine Fire Marshall's office, towns and cities that restrict the use and sale of consumer-grade (ya know, the good ones) fireworks include Augusta, Auburn, Bangor, Bath, Bar Harbor, Belfast, Boothbay Harbor, Brunswick, Bucksport, Camden, Damariscotta, Owls Head, Randolph, Rockland, Topsham, and Waterville.
Other towns and cities have restrictions that prohibit certain types of fireworks. These municipalities include Farmingdale, Gardiner, Hallowell, Harpswell, Jay, Lewiston, Monmouth, and Oakland.
Find out about restrictions in your town/city HERE
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