These Revolutionary War Battlefields Are in MaineThese Revolutionary War Battlefields Are in MaineIf you'd like to visit actual Revolutionary War battlefields to celebrate the 4th of July, look no further than right down the road. DavidDavid
UNSAFE Summer BBQ Foods for Our Maine DogsUNSAFE Summer BBQ Foods for Our Maine DogsFourth of July BBQ's can be dangerous for our Maine dogs if we aren't careful. DavidDavid
July 3 Jubilee in Presque isle to Celebrate Independence DayJuly 3 Jubilee in Presque isle to Celebrate Independence DayThe fireworks start at 8:45 p.m. with an exciting display. Trent MarshallTrent Marshall
Are Fireworks Illegal In Your Maine Town?Are Fireworks Illegal In Your Maine Town?Just because fireworks are legal in the state of Maine, doesn't mean they are legal everywhere in Maine. Cooper FoxCooper Fox