Winners Announced for Festival of Trees
This year's Festival of Trees was bigger and better than last year's event.
The fundraiser, to benefit the St. Apollonia Dental Clinic, was held once again at the gymnasium at Northern Maine Community College this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Proceeds for this year's event are just over $46,000, up from $30,000 last year. There were 51 decorated Christmas trees on display which people could buy tickets for to drop in the bucket of their favorite tree and hopefully win that tree along with its ornaments and presents. An estimated 4000 people came through the doors to view some beautifully decorated trees.
A big thanks to all the businesses, individuals, families and organizations who generously sponsored the trees and to the volunteers who also made the event a success.
At the conclusion Sunday afternoon, 51 people were chosen as winners of each tree, along with the ornaments and presents underneath each tree. Congratulations to all the winners and all those who attended for making the Fesival of Trees a big success.
Festival of Trees 2016 Tree Sponsors, Themes & Winners!!!
1. Academy Dental “In the Kitchen” -Cindy Grass
2. Aroostook County Action Program “A Community Giving Tree”
3. Aroostook RSVP “Warm Hands & Warm Hearts” -Linda White
4. Beacon Health Care “Fitness” -Joann Good
5. Blackstone Orthodontics “Faith” -MaryEllen Chasse
6. Bradley’s Car Wash- Alana Brewer
7. Caldwell’s Auto, LLC- Andy Caldwell
8. Central Aroostook Association “Homemade”- Carol Allen
9. City of Caribou- Logan Bouley
10. Community Spirit Tree- Susan Saucier
11. Country Collectibles- Lori Weissman
12. County Electric “Gone to the Beach. Love, Santa”- Renee Dionne
13. County Federal Credit Union- Jennifer McKeen
14. Crown of Maine Quilters “Quiltin’ ‘round the Christmas Tree”- Julie Moore
15. Cushman & Sons, Inc “Our Homemade Christmas”- Brian Sipe
16. Earthworks, Inc “Christmas Eve Construction Site- Bonita Cairns
17. Fallan Hair Studio & Lularoe Heidi Manter- Julia Page
18. Horace Mann Insurance “Family Fun”- Sherry Locke
19. Katahdin Trust Company- Holly Tompkins
20. Kiwanis Club of Presque Isle “Santa Tree”- Libby Greenlaw
21. Dr Edward Laga “Blue” Christmas- Karen Peers
22. LaJoie Growers LLC “Farming”- Justin Fereshetian
23. LaJoie, Maxine & Granchildren -- In Memory of SuperFrog –Newborn Baby Items- Peggy Carney
24. Machias Savings Bank- Wendy Boucher
25. Mapleton Elementary School “Dr Suess”- Jean Nadeau
26. Mars Hill Area Small Business “Rustic Tree Sale”- Connie Folsom
27. McCain Foods USA “Potato Land”- Chelsea Forbes
28. McIntyre-Chamberland Family “Alzheimer’s Awareness – In Memory of Juanita McIntyre Beaulieu”- Laurie Tarr
29. MMG Insurance Company “Disney Tree”- Sandra Hafford
30. NorStar Title Co and Currier, Trask & Jordan “Family Makes a House a Home”- Brenda Roy
31. North Country Auto “The Grinch Can be Your Friend in the Car Business”- Amy Jackson
32. Northern Maine Community College – April Sarasin
33. Oak Leaf Systems, Inc “Minecraft”- Nick Casavant
34. Presque Isle Elks Lodge #1954- Bernadette Opthof
35. Presque Isle Fish & Game Club- Georgia Nicholas
36. Presque Isle Police Dept “Movie in the Park”- Heidi Bradstreet
37. Remembering Papa- Lisa Rouse
38. Rathbun Lumber Company “Paint a Merry Picture this Holiday”- Maggie Bell
39. SAD #1 Adult & Community Education- Mckinley Cronin
40. SAGE “An Old Fashioned Christmas”- Lisa Collins
41. Save - A – Lot- Lynn Tuck
42. Smith & Associates Law Office – Nick Michaud
43. St Apollonia Dental Clinic “Disney Princesses”- Cindy Bouchard
44. St Apollonia Dental Clinic “Super Heroes”- Rayne Napalapalai
45. The Maine Dance Academy “Let’s Dance”- Arlington Wiggins
46. The Total Look “Glitz & Glam”- Carla Carney
47. Thompson-Hamel, LLC “School’s Out for Christmas”- Troy Dobson
48. United Insurance- Cameron Dennett
49. United Way of Aroostook- Nancy Nett
50. University of Maine at Presque Isle “Owl” Be Home for the Holidays- Kelly Lamoreau
51. Wilder’s Jewelers- Tammy Buckley
And, plans are already in the works for next year's Festival of Trees 2017!
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