Festival of Trees at The Aroostook Centre Mall, Presque Isle, Maine
Festival of Trees
The Festival of Trees will be on full display at the old Sears location at the Aroostook Centre Mall, December 3-5. Thanks to St. Apollonia Dental Clinic for hosting the annual tradition.
Tree Raffle
The trees will be raffled off after the big weekend. They are all sponsored by local businesses and people in the community. You can buy tickets for the raffle for 50 cents per ticket or a strip of 10 tickets for just $5.
All the trees are decorated in their own unique way and are a beautiful addition to your Christmas and holiday decorations.
Seventh Year
The Festival of Trees is a great tradition going into its seventh year, and looks to be bigger and better than ever this year.
Dates & Times
Bring your family and friends to the Festival of Trees at the Aroostook Centre Mall, Friday, December 3 from 3 - 8 p.m., Saturday, December 4 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday December 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The raffle will be held on Sunday just after 2 p.m.
Organizers of the Festival of Trees said:
We are requiring everyone to wear a mask and to social distance while viewing the trees. We are excited to be back in person this year. Thank you for your cooperation.
More Info
Make sure you use the Aroostook Centre Mall entrance to get into the Festival of Trees. Here’s a link to the St. Apollonia Dental Clinic’s Facebook page for more information.
Look for updates on the weekend's events on the home page and on social media.