Three Earn Sergeant’s Stripes at PIPD
Three patrol officers have been promoted to the rank of sergeant at the Presque Isle Police Department (PIPD).
The three officers are: Chris Hayes, Lucas Hafford, and Tyler Cote.
PIPD Chief Laurie Kelly said the department's goal was to have a supervisor on each shift. She stated that officers who were eligible by contract were contacted and the three candidates who sat for the exam all passed. She added she and the City are both pleased with the results. "These officers have good experience and I am looking forward to them offering guidance and training to new officers.”
Chris Hayes has been with Presque Isle PD since 2007. He has been a Patrol Training Officer (PTO) for several years and is responsible for field training new officers 12 weeks prior to being on their own and attending the Basic Law Enforcement Training Program at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy.
Lucas Hafford joined the department in 2013. He is also a recently certified Patrol Training Officer. Lucas is an asset in being a second PTO who can allow the department to field train multiple new officer candidates at the same time. This year, Hafford developed a specific training session for a leadership class and then presented it to the Board of Directors of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy, which adopted it.
Tyler Cote came on board the PIPD in 2014. Tyler, alone, had 97 arrests as of June 23rd, 2019. Of those 97 arrests, 27 were drug related, with seven of those being felony trafficking. Cote is a K9 Officer and will attend Basic K9 Certification with his partner, K9 Cali in October.
More information on the Presque Isle Police Department can be found by visiting its Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PresqueislePD/ or its website at http://presqueislemaine.gov/police/.
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