The RCMP is Investigating a Break, Enter & Theft in Hanwell, N.B.
Two businesses in Hanwell were broken into and items stolen sometime between 9 p.m. on May 14 and 4 a.m. on the 15th.
The break, enter, and theft occurred at Whiskey Joe's Pub where alcohol was taken and Dyno Nobel – nothing was stole. The businesses are located on Route 640 in Hanwell. The RCMP said the crimes took place between 9 pm, May 14 and 4 am, May 15th.
Contact the West District RCMP at 506-357-4300 if you have any knowledge of these crimes. You can stay anonymous by using Crime Stoppers toll free at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), or by Secure Web Tips at www.crimenb.ca.
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