Maine’s Weirdest Laws: You Can Own an Alligator, But Don’t Blow Your NoseMaine’s Weirdest Laws: You Can Own an Alligator, But Don’t Blow Your NoseAlright, buckle up, because we're about to dive into some of Maine's "special" laws that will have you scratching your head.Rob RiccitelliRob Riccitelli
Snack Now, Pay Later: Is It Legal in Maine to Eat While You Grocery Shop?Snack Now, Pay Later: Is It Legal in Maine to Eat While You Grocery Shop?We’ve all witnessed it and maybe even participated—someone cracking open a tube of Pringles or guzzling down a Vitamin Water while casually strolling the grocery store aisles. Is this a crime? Or just a hungry person living their best life? Rob RiccitelliRob Riccitelli
Can Offensive Profanity Be Displayed Publicly in Maine?Can Offensive Profanity Be Displayed Publicly in Maine?Can you publicly display your trash talk?Lizzy SnyderLizzy Snyder
Over 1,900 Marijuana Plants Seized with Search Warrant in MaineOver 1,900 Marijuana Plants Seized with Search Warrant in MainePolice seized more than 1.900 illegal marijuana plants after a warrant was executed in Maine.Trent MarshallTrent Marshall
It’s Absolutely Illegal to Ship This Item to Maine, Even if You Have a Retail LicenseIt’s Absolutely Illegal to Ship This Item to Maine, Even if You Have a Retail LicenseI mean, I'm sure the sentence "That's illegal to mail" also has many other answers to it, but there's one answer that really stuck out to me.KrissyKrissy
This Item is Shockingly Illegal to Bring Into the State of MaineThis Item is Shockingly Illegal to Bring Into the State of MaineYou may be surprised to learn that this very common item is officially banned from being brought into the state of Maine. Lizzy SnyderLizzy Snyder
Is It Illegal to Spread Ashes in Maine?Is It Illegal to Spread Ashes in Maine?Losing a loved one can be devastating but here are the rules you need to know before spreading their ashes to keep yourself out of troubleJoeyJoey
Skinny Dipping in Maine: Is It Legal to Bare It All in Public WatersSkinny Dipping in Maine: Is It Legal to Bare It All in Public WatersSwimming nude in Maine. Let's talk about it. Lizzy SnyderLizzy Snyder
10 Things You Aren’t Allowed to Throw Away in Maine10 Things You Aren’t Allowed to Throw Away in MaineIt's actually against the law to toss out these 10 household items in Maine because they are considered hazardous.JoeyJoey
Drivers Need to Stop This Dangerous Practice on Maine RoadwaysDrivers Need to Stop This Dangerous Practice on Maine RoadwaysToo many drivers in Maine are being too nice while behind the wheel, leading to instances of one specific and very dangerous practice. JoeyJoey