RCMP Investigating Break, Enter and Theft in Grand Falls, N.B.
Break, Enter and Theft in Grand Falls, N.B.
The Saint-Léonard RCMP is investigating a break, enter and theft after several items were stolen at a home on McCluskey Road in Grand Falls, N.B. on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.
“An Individual or Individuals Forcefully Gained Entry”
Police are asking the public for any information regarding the incident that occurred in the evening hours between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on May 11. The RCMP said “an individual or individuals forcefully gained entry into the home causing considerable damage, and stole several items.”
Pickup Truck Stolen and Recovered
A beige pickup truck that was stolen was recovered on the same day in a field off McCluskey Road. Two collectible knives were also taken from the home (the knives are approximately 30 centimeters long or 12 inches).
Photo of Pickup Truck and Description of Collectible Knives
A photo of the pickup truck has been released. Police have provided a description of the knives, but said they do not have a photo of the stolen property.
Remain Anonymous by Using Crime Stoppers
If you have any information related to the break, enter and theft on McCluskey Road on May 11, contact the Saint-Léonard RCMP at 506-473-3137. If you witnessed any suspicious activity in the area on that date, call the police and report it. You can also reach out to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) and remain anonymous. Download the secure P3 Mobile App, or by Secure Web Tips at www.crimenb.ca.

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