NMCC’s Book Giveaway Takes Place During the P.I. Holiday Light Parade
The traditional book giveaway by Northern Maine Community College during the Presque Isle Holiday Light Parade will move indoor alongside the Festival of Trees December 4-6 at NMCC.
Led by the Early Childhood Education program, new and gently-used books are being cleaned and sorted by reading levels and will be offered to the public during the Festival from 4—8 p.m. on Friday the 4th, 9 a.m.—6 p.m. on Saturday the 5th, and 10 a.m.—2 p.m. on Sunday the 6th. There is no cost to attend the book giveaway.
This will be the 12th year that students and instructors have volunteered many hours to collect, clean and sort books for children of the area. Our students really look forward to this community service project every year,” said Colleen Harmon, NMCC Business Technology instructor and event co-organizer.
Each year NMCC students and employees, other individuals, businesses, Catholic Charities and the University of Maine at Presque Isle have made large donations of books for the event.
This is a great way to get a gift in the hands of kids who may not get a book during the holidays,” said Heidi Broad-Smith, Early Childhood Education instructor and event co-organizer. “It recycles books that will otherwise sit on a shelf and spreads the joy of reading and giving. We’re very happy to combine this event with the Festival of Trees which will take place at NMCC’s gymnasium for the first time. It will give parents more time and better organization as they choose books for their children.”
The book give away will take place at NMCC’s Akeley Student Center adjacent to the gymnasium, the new site for the Festival of Trees. NMCC will continue its tradition of participating in the Presque Isle Holiday Light Parade by entering a float with student participation.
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