New Brunswick COVID-19 Update
Public Health reported one new case of COVID-19 Thursday.
The new case is an individual between 40 and 49 in Zone 3 (Fredericton region). It is a travel-related case and the individual is self-isolating.
“New Brunswickers are united as we make our way through these challenging times,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “Despite the uncertainty and the hardships that COVID-19 has created, we have hope and we will emerge stronger and more resilient.”
All zones in New Brunswick continue to remain in the Yellow level.
Keeping our communities safe
To prevent the spread of COVID-19 within communities, visitors and residents are reminded to:
- maintain physical distancing (2 m / 6 ft);
- wear a community face mask when physical distancing is difficult to maintain;
- limit contact with people at higher risk, such as older adults and those with chronic health conditions;
- clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces often;
- frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the washroom, when preparing food and before eating. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available;
- when coughing or sneezing:
- cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand;
- dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash your hands afterwards; and
- avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands;
- stay home when ill.
The number of confirmed cases in New Brunswick is 166 and 163 have recovered. There have been two deaths, and there is one active case. As of today, 45,522 tests have been conducted.
State of emergency extended
The state of emergency mandatory order was renewed today under the authority of the Emergency Measures Act.

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