The Maine Marine Patrol will continue the search today for a missing father and son and their fishing boat.

Searchers in Maine Will Continue to Look for 2 Missing Fishermen and Their Boat

We reported on Sunday the U.S. Coast Guard had suspended its search for Chester Barrett and his son Aaron Barret searching the water between Lubec and South Addison. Marine Patrol began its search Saturday evening and resumed it Sunday morning before it was postponed due to poor visibility.

The Maine Father and Son Have Been Missing Since Saturday

The Barretts were reported missing Saturday evening by a family member when they failed to return as expected. When they disappeared, they had been transiting from Edmunds to South Addison on Chester's fishing vessel 'Sudden Impact.'

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An Object Found in 160 Feet of Water May Be the Missing Vessel

Local fishermen also joined the search on Sunday and located an object that might be a vessel in 160 feet of water near Moose Cove, at the mouth of the Moose River. The U.S. Coast Guard halted the fishermen's efforts to recover the boat on Sunday due to safety concerns, but the fishermen will resume that effort today. In addition to their search efforts, Marine Patrol Officials will be on-scene at the recovery site to provide support.

We'll update this story as more details become available.

7 Types of Whales Found off the Coast of Maine

Here is a list of seven whales that can be spotted off the coast of Maine. Some are much more common than others, and some are getting close to extinction. What whales have you spotted off Maine's coast?

Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka

The Longest Rivers In Maine

Check out this list of the longest rivers in the State of Maine. This data comes from Wikipedia

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