Not just Maine, but the entire eastern coast of the United States seems to be getting lucky from what originally was predicted to be an extremely active and volatile hurricane season according to all weather experts.

Remember Beryl in Maine Two Months Ago?

Hurricane Beryl was the earliest category 5 storm on record, and only the second category 5 to ever develop in the month of July.

National Hurricane Center Monitors Hurricane Beryl's Activity In The Caribbean
Getty Images/Joe Raedle

Read More: Maine May Now See Some of that Nasty Weather from Hurricane Beryl

It sent everyone in meteorology into a panic increasing the tropical storm predictions for the season. Hurricane season is June 1st through November 30th.

Read More: Increased Chance of Hurricanes for Maine in 2024

Colorado State University increased their predictions of named storms after Beryl to 25, with 12 being hurricanes and 6 being major hurricanes - like Beryl.

So Where Are We on Those Hurricane Season Predictions?

The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season had a threatening beginning, but is currently sitting at five named storms, three hurricanes, and one major hurricane. There is still plenty of time left in the hurricane season, but the numbers have been far from trending toward what was predicted, and despite the ocean being very hot and ripe for storms, it is silent.

Meteorologists are pointing to a few things that have cause an eerily quiet August, like winds from the Saharan Desert, while others are saying it's just a stroke of dumb luck.

Some Experts Are Saying the Hurricane Season in September will be 'Supercharged'

Saying a hurricane season will be supercharged in a headline feels like clickbait to me, and admittedly, it worked, because I clicked on it. As someone who has lived through several hurricanes in Florida in 2004 and 2005, and have followed predictions since, the one thing that has remained consistent is that currently, it is nearly impossible to predict mother nature. She will do what she wants while all we can do is keep hoping that the 'dumb luck' lingers over us.

Read More: You Think You Got Rain? This Maine Town Got More than Everyone

Maine Island Trail Association & Surfrider Foundation Island Cleanup

MITA and Surfrider armed with a group of volunteers joined forces to clean up the remote Little Drisko Island off of the coast of Maine.

Gallery Credit: David Bugenske/TSM Maine, Mariel/Surfrider Foundation

Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse in Maine

Maine's Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse is almost a mile out to sea, and you can get there by walking.

Gallery Credit: David Bugenske/TSM Maine

Chick Hill Hiking Trail in Maine

Chick Hill Hiking Trail in Maine

Gallery Credit: David

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