Maine CDC COVID-19 Update
New coronavirus cases in Maine have jumped to the highest levels since late January. Health officials are urging everyone to be diligent in wearing masks in public, keeping your distance from others, and washing your hands often to help curb the spread of the virus.
Wednesday's report from the Maine Center for Disease Control shows four more COVID-related deaths and 547 new coronavirus infections. Maine's seven-day rolling average is now close to 400 per day. Aroostook County reported 11 new cases today and nearly 80 in the past week.
So far, over 395,000 Maine residents have received their final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. That amounts to over 35% of the population age 16 and older. That's about halfway to herd immunity that experts say is needed to curb the community spread of the virus.
There are 547 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus Wednesday. There were four deaths in the state, according to the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Maine now has 55,374 confirmed cases.
- The number of people who have died from the virus is 757.
- A total of 1,747 are hospitalized in Maine.
There is a total of 1,522 confirmed cases in Aroostook County. Sixty-six people are hospitalized. There have been 45 deaths.
The Maine CDC’s schedule for updates is Tuesday & Thursday. Watch the news briefing on our Facebook at 2 pm (ET) (subject to schedule change).