Don't know if you've heard, but we're electing a president in November and you definitely want your vote to count.

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The Portland Press Herald reports that getting an application online has been available in Maine since 2008. But this year there was a bit of a delay getting it up and running.

The Secretary of State, Matt Dunlap, said:

Any registered Maine voter may choose to vote absentee, either via mail or in person at their town or city hall prior to Election Day. Voters do not need to provide a reason to vote absentee.

Absentee voting is huge this year because of that pesky global pandemic that makes gatherings a thing to avoid. For July's primaries, Maine broke records of absentee voting with 200,000 taking advantage of the option, according to the Press Herald, and they expect that number to be tripled in November!

You should receive your ballot October 3, or 30 days before the election. The advice is to mail it out as soon as you can.

The United States Postal Service is experiencing delays, however caused, and the earlier you get it in the better for it to count!

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