Farmers’ Almanac Says New England Could Get ‘Copious’ Amounts of Snow, Rain, Sleet in January 2025
The Farmers' Almanac is calling for a season of fast storms that will bring rain, snow and no downtime for New England.
They are telling us to brace ourselves for a "wet, winter whirlwind." Joy.
Very active storms are expected for the last weeks of January 2025 all over the Eastern Seaboard, according to the Farmers' Almanac.
I will admit that it's not always the most accurate when it comes to weather forecasts, it's right often enough that every farmer from the Seacoast to the Vermont border should have a copy.
Also, the weather professionals on our TV every night aren't right all the time.
New England Gets a "Red Flag"
The Farmers' Almanac is "red flagging" the last week in January for most of the Eastern half of the U.S.A.
According to them, there will be a "very active" storm track that will bring heavy precipitation and strong winds.
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The magazine highlighted a few days in January specifically - the 20 - 23 and 24 - 27. They are predicting "copious amounts of snow, rain, sleet and ice."
Overall, this winter in New England will have above-normal snow in the mountains and sleet, rain and ice on the Seacoast.
The Farmers' Almanac is a must have for any New England home. I actually have a copy of it from 1897 in my bathroom for reading material. The more I read it, the more I think that people were exactly the same as we are today.
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Gallery Credit: Sean McKenna
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