Back when I was a kid...

I feel like the most eyeroll-worthy stories always follow that statement. Sure, we were all younger once, and things were different. Either things were cheaper, or easier, or even ten times harder, depending on the subject. I assume that everything that happened before us felt the same way everything does now. You can't predict the future.

Read More: Maine Drivers Often Disregard this Important Winter Driving Law

Although, sometimes the things that were "true" when you were a kid don't really count anymore. As time passes, conveniences are more commonplace. Like, these days people only have to drive a car with a stick by choice. Decades ago, it was literally the only option. Everyone drove stick.

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Speaking of cars...


One old wives tale back in my day, was that you were not allowed to ever pass a car on the right. I'm not saying it was ever truly the law, but I remember hearing it that way. Of course, we've all heard of the fact that tractor trailers aren't supposed to go beyond the middle lane on a three-lane highway. But what if Johnny Travelpants is going wicked slow in the passing lane?


Despite whatever I learned when I was a kid, Maine does not specifically forbid people from passing on the right. The big issue is that it has to be safe to do so. But it's ok to do in certain circumstances. If a car is making a left hand turn and you can maneuver it safely, you're allowed to pass that car on the right. I imagine the same rules apply to slowpokes on the highway. As long as there's no danger, go ahead.

Read More: Maine Drivers Often Disregard this Important Winter Driving Law

Obviously, you need to make smart choices when doing this. In some places, this could put you in the breakdown lane or near to the sidewalk and that could bring unexpected surprises. But otherwise, looks like you're good to do what you gotta do.

What Do You Call People from Bangor?

There are no wrong answers, just unfriendly ones.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

12 Items Mainers are Banned from Bringing in their Carry-On

They seem like normal, everyday items. But you better leave them home.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart

All the Mall Stores Mainers Miss

We all miss these places.

Gallery Credit: Jason Stewart


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