Is Social Media Dividing Us or Bringing Us Together? [VIDEO]
So I've had this thought for a while. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. have successfully shrunk the world, if you will. It's now instantly possible for you to share your message to someone across the world. If you have a cause, need help, or just want to share pictures with extended family you can do it at the click of a mouse. In this way it brings us all together.
I think there is a down side, unfortunately. There's a country song by Tracy Lawrence called 'Find Out Who Your Friends Are.' Here's the video.
While the song is not about social media, I think the premise is the same. There are people I used to hang out with in high school that are completely different people today, at least to me. Say they are pro-something and I'm anti-something. It doesn't diminish our friendship in my opinion, but I will admit that I may censor my thoughts here and there and I bet there are people out there that dissolve friendships over things they learn on Facebook.
We live in an awkwardly, insanely politically correct world. Our sensitivity level is through the roof. I think it's time we just get over ourselves and be happy. I found a video that kind of shows how ridiculous we really are. It's a little NSFW so enjoy.
Warning: Themes and language.
Oh, and don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook.