Tips for Mainers on How to Sweat-Proof Their Halloween Makeup
With temperatures predicted to be in the 70's on Thursday, it's important to know how to protect your Halloween makeup from sweating off your face.
Instead of Keeping Warm in Maine on Halloween, This Year It's About Keeping Cool
I never thought I'd be writing this article in Maine, where your Mom won't buy you anything more than a mask because your coat will cover your costume. But not this year, when the temps will climb into the mid 70's, making any indoor gatherings sweat-inducing.
READ MORE: Julia Gagnon's Home for the Holiday's Tour Coming to Bangor
There Are Tricks to Keeping Your Makeup Fresh, Despite the Balmy Weather
I reached back into my theater experience (and asked AI) to come up with some tips for keeping your makeup in place and not running down your face.
- BASE Layer: The best way to start is with a primer that will help protect the makeup from being affected by perspiration. Look for primers that say things like 'sweat-absorbing' or 'stay cool.'
- WATERPROOF Makeup Products: Make sure the products you're using are also sweat-resistant. An example of this would be waterproof mascara. Cream makeups are better than powder in warm conditions, as they are more apt to stay in place while powders can cake and run.
- SET Your Makeup: You can set your makeup with a translucent setting powder and a setting spray. I would definitely recommend the spray, since the powder could run if your perspiration is out of control. Just remember to close your eyes!
- BLOT: Throughout the afternoon/evening, when you're feeling overheated, blot your face, never wipe. Keep a tissue, handkerchief, or a bandanna handy so when you feel the water start to flow, you can blot it quickly before it ruins your makeup.
- AVOID Heavy Layers - Going a little lighter with your makeup will allow your skin to breathe, and could keep you cooler.
Rethink Your Costume if it Was Meant to Endure a Typical Maine Halloween
If you planned a costume that would keep you warm during a typical Maine Halloween, you might want to rethink that choice. Have a fun and safe Halloween and appreciate that, for the first time in many years, it's actually going to warm on October 31st, instead of snowing.
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