Halloween 2017! Events in Aroostook County, Maine!
Get your costumes ready for a fun-filled Halloween! There's so much to do with family and friends! Scary stuff too! Here's what's happening!
Trick or Treating Night
UMPI's Park and Merriman HallsOctober 26th! 6:00 - 7:00 PM!
UMPI hosting Trick or Treating Night! October 26th from 6:00 - 7:00 PM at UMPI's Park and Merriman Halls, Presque Isle. Free! Children 12 and under are invited to take part in the activities. Decorations! Parking! The 22nd Annual! FMI, contact Don Gibson at 768-9560!
Monster Mash
Family Halloween Costume Dance, Presque Isle Rec CenterOctober 27th! 6:00 – 9:00 PM!
Monster Mash! Friday, October 27th from 6:00 – 9:00 PM! Family Halloween Costume Dance at the Presque Isle Rec Center. $10 per family! The funds go to support the PI playground project. Prizes for costumes, concessions, bake sale, carnival games, DeeJay Steven Boddy, goodie bags, cupcake walk, photo booth! Put on by the Kiwanis Club of Presque Isle, The Aroostook Medical Center, and Presque Isle Recreation & Parks Department.
Linneus Haunted Hayride
Linneus, MaineOctober 27th & 28th!
Linneus Haunted Hayride! October 27th & 28th! Linneus Fire Department, The cost is $7 per ride. FMI, Kaitlin Good 521-7143
Kid's Halloween Party
Presque Isle Middle School's GymnasiumOctober 28th! 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM!
Kid's Halloween Party! October 28th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM! Presque Isle Middle School's Gymnasium - 569 Skyway Street, Presque Isle, Maine! Raising money for the non-profit, Hunter's Helping Hands. Activities, pumpkin & face painting, games + more! Tiffany Smith, 227-5865 for more info!
Fall Fun Fest
Fort Fairfield Costume ParadeOctober 28th! 3:00 PM!
Fall Fun Fest! October 28th at 3 PM - Fort Fairfield, Costume parade & fun activities for families! Wear your costumes and bring your friends to a fun day of events!
Caswell Haunted House
Caswell SchoolOctober 28! 2:00 PM!
Caswell Haunted House! October 28 at 2:00 PM! Caswell School, 1025 Van Buren Rd. Scary Haunted House! Eighth grade fund raiser! Contact Nancy Martin 325-4611
Trunk or Treat
Mars Hill Full Gospel ChurchOctober 31st! 5:00 - 7:00 PM!
Trunk or Treat! October 31st! 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at the Mars Hill Full Gospel Church, 9 Maple St. Mars Hill. Lots of family fun, prizes, candy. For more info, Susie Faloon 735-4682