Check Out This Old Fashioned New Hampshire Winter Celebration
We live in an "on demand" world. Think about it...we can turn on our television and watch virtually any movie we want for $5.99 or less. We can instant message a friend from the other side of the planet. We can order an entire dinner on our phone and have it delivered without ever speaking to another person. So it's hard to imagine what life was like in a time before all of the trappings we "have to have" these days in order to live.
The great news is....not everyone has forgotten what life was like then. And coming up on Saturday, February 3, you can get a look at what life was like before Snapchat, Instagram, and Netflix. Don't miss the 15th Annual Ice Harvest & Winter Carnival at Remick Country Doctor Museum and Farm, in Tamworth Village, NH, from 11am-3pm.
According to their Facebook page, it's a celebration of old-time winter traditions and more! You can try your hand at harvesting ice blocks from the farm pond, then watch them be transported by oxen sled to their ice house.
There will a lot of outdoor activities, games, live music, a bob house exhibit, lots of fuzzy farm animals to snuggle and pet. And if you're hungry after all that fun...try their hot, down-home lunches and snack.
If the weather is bad that day, their Facebook page says they'll try again the following day. Admission is $10, ages 11 and up. $5, ages 5–10. And FREE, for kids 4 and under. If you're a member it's $8 | $3 | FREE for the respective age groups.
So bundle up, and head back in time. The only reason you should pick up your phone that day is to take pictures of all the fun you're having. Then you can post them to Instagram when you get home. So set aside your on demand world for a few hours, and enjoy some old-time winter fun.
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