Aroostook Area Agency on Aging Programs for Older Adults
The Aroostook Area Agency on Aging is offering video Tai Chi classes with local instructors.
The Agency also makes phone calls to older adults through its “Friendly Visiting Program.”
In addition, there are free interactive toolkits for their program “Better Health Now.” Plus, they are taking suggestions for their “A Matter of Balance” classes.
Read more information below:
Impact of Social Isolation on Older Adults
Loneliness and social isolation for older adults have a deep emotional impact, sometimes leading to depression and anxiety. Did you know loneliness also affects our physical health? In fact, one study found loneliness had similar health effects on older adults as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
While much attention is being devoted to meeting basic needs like food and shelter for older adults, we are also finding creative ways to address social and emotional needs in ways consistent with social distancing guidelines.
Would you or someone you know enjoy a phone call from a caring person who wants to know how you are doing? The Friendly Visiting Program matches up folks with Aroostook RSVP participants to provide conversation and companionship.
A daily or weekly call from a Friendly Visitor might be just the thing to add a little fun to the day. Call the Aroostook Agency on Aging and see if a Friendly Visitor might be right for you!
Until in-person workshops can safely be conducted again, our partner Healthy Living for ME is offering two free programs -- Virtual Tai Chi and Better Health Now -- that can be completed from the comfort of your home.
Our popular Tai Chi program is now presented virtually over the Internet. This 16-session class can help quiet the mind with slow methodical movements that have been proven to improve balance and lessen the pain associated with arthritis.
We are also offering free interactive toolkits for Better Health Now. Participants can complete this six-week program from the comfort of their home and includes weekly support calls with a certified facilitator. Learn how to utilize your "Tool Box" through action planning, problem solving, decision making and so much more.
Although we are not able to offer in-person A Matter of Balance classes, we are taking referrals for names for classes we will start in the fall. We look forward to seeing you!
The Aroostook Agency on Aging has answers for many of your needs, from meals to help with Medicare to access to in-home supports. Well-trained staff are available to help older adults remain independentand live safely in their own home.
Please call the Agency at 207-764-3396 or 1-800-439-1789 and tell us what you need. We are here to serve you.
For more information visit www.aroostookaging.org and healthylivingforme.org

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