If they are here, already, I don't know about it!  I found myself thinking...'What would make Maine more fun?'  Feels like we have the same 'ol same 'ol stuff every year.  So, I came up with a list of fun festivals see around the world...that would be PERFECT in Maine.  Maybe if one gets enough votes, a planning board (hint hint: Townsquare Media) will take it into consideration. 

Grilled Cheese & Beer Festival: YES!!!  Beer and cheese!  There has got to be at least a 101 different ways to make a grilled cheese sandwich (according to Pinterest) and what about all of the amazing made in Maine beers?  The perfect way to combine two amazing & yummy things.
Lobstah grilled cheese!!
Lobstah grilled cheese!!
Massive City Street Waterslide: YES!!!  I've seen this online.  Imagine closing off a HUGE street (ie: Winthrop Street in Augusta) and setting up a water slide.  Everyone brings their own tube!  This screams FUN!
FtLaudGirl, Thinkstock
FtLaudGirl, Thinkstock
Spring Mud Festival:  Rick Charrette sang it best 'Mud! Mud! I love mud!' and Maine is known for its mud.  But, skip the Jeeps and the 4 by 4's....you're jumping into this mud feet first!  Mud slides!  It's spring...it's chilly...it's OK....bonfires EVERYWHERE!  Roasting marshmallows & hot dogs.  Maybe even a lil overnight camping and music!
Mud Girl
Paul Brasil for Taste of Country
  • Adult Only Water Gun Fight:  Everyone brings their own water gun.  Yup, I'm gonna go there and say there would even be a 'Wet Tshirt Contest'.  Beer.  Food.  Music.  But most importantly...NO KIDS trying to take our water guns!
  • Allen's Coffee Brandy Festival:  UM...hellooooo....we have a 'Moxie Festival'...why not an Allen's Coffee Brandy Festival.  We seem to like to do everything around food and music....so include those as well as people walking around squirtin coffee brandy in your mouth.
    coffee brandy

    Vote for your favorite suggestion!

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