2014 Anah Shrine Circus Coming up in Presque Isle
Get ready! The circus is coming to town! That's right, the 2014 Anah Shrine Circus will be happening at the Presque Isle Forum on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 8th, 9th and 10th!
Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images
A star studded gala awaits you at this years circus, featuring The Fernandez and the Whirling Wheel of Destiny, Susan Vidbel on her Arial Cloud Swing, the Human Arrow, Brian Miser, from Las Vegas, The Dancing Gauchos and their Un-Tamed Array of Argentine Fury, The Anah Shrine Clowns and more! As always, Charles Van Buskirk will be your ringmaster!
I remember going to the circus every year as a kid, and thinking how awesome it was. I'm so glad that I now have the opportunity to seem that same wonder and amazement gleaming from my daughter's eyes. It really is magical!
Show times for the 2014 Anah Shrine Circus Presque Isle dates are as follows:
- Thursday, May 8th. Show time: 7:00PM
- Friday, May 9th. Show times: 3:00PM and 7:00PM
- Saturday, May 10th. Show times: 10:00AM, 2:00PM and 7:00PM
Pre-sale tickets are $4.00 for children and $8.00 for adults. Or get your tickets the day of the show at the door for $5.00 for children and $10.00 for adults.
We'll also be giving away some tickets on the air, so be listening for your chance to call in and win!
And don't forget to tune in for a live broadcast on Thursday, May 8th before the kickoff of the first show!
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