United Way of Aroostook Funding Applications Available
Luke Rossignol, President of United Way of Aroostook Board of Directors along with Wanda Guiggey, chair of the Community Investment committee, have announced that Funding Applications for 2018-2019 are now available.
Non‑profit health and human service organizations serving Aroostook County citizens may apply to United Way of Aroostook for funds that were raised during the annual fundraising campaign. Through the allocations process, United Way of Aroostook will be helping to support County‑based agencies and programs which are helping to meet the most crucial health and human service needs of Aroostook’s most vulnerable citizens.
The Community Impact Investment Applications and other information about the application process are available by calling United Way of Aroostook at 764‑5197. It can also be found online at www.unitedwayaroostook.org. The online form is fillable, and two copies can be mailed to United Way of Aroostook, 830 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME 04769. The deadline for submitting completed Applications is Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 3PM.
United Way focuses its effort on three critical areas: health, education, and financial stability. It works with partners to support seniors, children, and families by promoting self-sufficiency and assisting in meeting basic needs. United Way’s goal is to create lasting changes for the citizens of Aroostook County. If you are a non-profit organization that wishes to make a sustainable impact in one or more of these areas, please consider applying for funding.
Immediately following the deadline, a task force of volunteers recruited from throughout Aroostook County will begin the process of reviewing and evaluating these applications. The Board of Directors will announce funding decisions this spring.
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