United Way Funding Applications Available
The United Way of Aroostook announced that applications for United Way of Aroostook funding for 2020-2021 are now available.
If you are a non‑profit health and human service organization serving Aroostook County citizens, you may apply to United Way of Aroostook for funds which were raised during the annual fundraising campaign. United Way of Aroostook helps to support County‑based agencies and programs to meet the most crucial health and human service needs of Aroostook’s most vulnerable citizens. UWA’s current funded agencies and programs promote self-sufficiency, meet basic needs, and supports seniors, children, and families. If your organization is a non-profit and wishes to make a sustainable impact on one or more of these areas, please consider applying for funding.
The Community Impact Investment Applications and other information about the application process are available by calling the United Way of Aroostook at 764‑5197, or online at www.unitedwayaroostook.org. The deadline for submitting completed Applications is Friday, March 27th, 2020 at 3PM.
The United Way of Aroostook is also looking for approximately 25 volunteers to serve on its Community Impact Task Force. These volunteers will work as a team to review and evaluate all applications received and determine how the funds will be distributed. The task force will meet two times: once for an Informational meeting on Thursday, April 2nd at 4PM and again, for a full day, on Tuesday, April 21st. If you’d like more information or to serve on this important task force, contact United Way of Aroostook at 764-5197 or email Executive Director, Sarah Ennis at sarah@unitedwayaroostook.org.
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