The 2014 Maine Fall Foliage Season is Upon Us
Wednesday marked the official start of Maine’s fall foliage season. The 2014 Fall Foliage Report from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry reports that the northernmost area of the state is still green with hints of color.
According to Gale Ross, Maine’s fall foliage spokesperson, “Ever so subtle changes are occurring in the northern regions of the state (zones 6 and 7), but right now we are still on track for a typical fall foliage season with northern Maine reaching peak conditions by the end of September into the first week of October. The rest of the state’s progression of color will start occurring from north to south in mid-October. Coastal Maine typically reaches peak conditions October 13 through October 25.”
While peak conditions are still weeks away, Maine Forest Service rangers and state park rangers in the northern part of the state including Aroostook County, northern Penobscot and Piscataquis Counties are reporting subtle changes in leaf color.
As overnight temperatures drop into the 40s and daylight decreases, rangers expect a gradual change in leaf color from north to south culminating in peak conditions in late October.
Leaf peepers can visit the state’s official foliage website and sign-up to receive weekly reports by e-mail. Visitors and natives can share their photos of the riot of color throughout the state as the leaves gradually change. There will also be information about the fall foliage and ranger-led hikes in the state parks.
Are you seeing any color change in your area?