Maine’s Weirdest Laws: You Can Own an Alligator, But Don’t Blow Your NoseMaine’s Weirdest Laws: You Can Own an Alligator, But Don’t Blow Your NoseAlright, buckle up, because we're about to dive into some of Maine's "special" laws that will have you scratching your head.Rob RiccitelliRob Riccitelli
The Maine Delicacy the Rest of the Country Thinks is WeirdThe Maine Delicacy the Rest of the Country Thinks is WeirdEvery spring, a generational delicacy comes to life in Maine, and people outside of the state just don't understand it. JoeyJoey
Seven of the Weirdest Things People in Maine Keep GooglingSeven of the Weirdest Things People in Maine Keep GooglingGoogle's year-end review of Maine put a spotlight on the odd and peculiar things people are searching for in Portland, Bangor, and Presque Isle. JoeyJoey
These Have to Be the Most Bizarre Town Names in Each New England StateThese Have to Be the Most Bizarre Town Names in Each New England StateThese town names in New England will make you question, "why?". ChantelChantel
There’s a Mysterious Corn Maze in Maine With a Sign That Simply Says ‘Enter’There’s a Mysterious Corn Maze in Maine With a Sign That Simply Says ‘Enter’One corn maze in a remote Maine town feels like it's ripped directly from a Stephen King novella, featuring a simple sign that says 'enter'.JoeyJoey
13 of the Most Bizarre Names of Maine Towns13 of the Most Bizarre Names of Maine TownsSure we have towns like Portland, Oxford, and Rockland, but we also have Eustis, Smyrna, and Passadumkeag. Say what? Brittany RoseBrittany Rose
What Is The Deal With This Strangely Specific No Trespassing Sign In Maine?What Is The Deal With This Strangely Specific No Trespassing Sign In Maine?One of the strangest no trespassing signs in Maine exists in Portland, where one individual in particular is mentionedJoeyJoey
Is There Really A Village In Aroostook County Called Maine, Maine?Is There Really A Village In Aroostook County Called Maine, Maine?There's lot of strangely named towns and cities throughout the state but is Aroostook County really home to a village called Maine, Maine?JoeyJoey
Horse Guy Had An Adventurous Tuesday Riding Around PortlandHorse Guy Had An Adventurous Tuesday Riding Around PortlandYou can see a lot of things on a random Tuesday in Portland, Maine. Including a guy on horseback giving directions and stopping for happy hour at a barJoeyJoey
Weirdest Things Found in Your Kid’s RoomWeirdest Things Found in Your Kid’s RoomThere's a reason rooms have doors. Some parents don't dare and some parent have found some pretty weird stuff.Lori VoornasLori Voornas