This New Law in California Will Have More People Moving to MaineThis New Law in California Will Have More People Moving to MaineFolks in The Golden State could be making their way to our Pine Tree State thanks in part to this new legislation.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
Is It Illegal to ‘Dumpster Dive’ in Maine?Is It Illegal to ‘Dumpster Dive’ in Maine?Could the saying 'one man’s trash' potentially lead to another man’s felony?Jordan VergeJordan Verge
New Law Will Affect Refrigerators and Freezers in MaineNew Law Will Affect Refrigerators and Freezers in MaineSay goodbye to these refrigerators; soon, they won’t be around anymore in our Pine Tree State.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
There Are More Than 10 Illegal Baby Names in MaineThere Are More Than 10 Illegal Baby Names in MaineYou won't find these names on a Mainer's driver's license.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
Wait, Can You Ride Your Bike on the Sidewalk in Maine, or Not?Wait, Can You Ride Your Bike on the Sidewalk in Maine, or Not?For me, the rule of thumb was made very clear: riding bikes on the sidewalk was a no-no. Never questioned it, just accepted it. But as we grow older, we begin to question our ingrained beliefs, and that's precisely what happened to me recently.Jordan VergeJordan Verge
You Won’t Believe These Weird Driving Laws in New EnglandYou Won’t Believe These Weird Driving Laws in New EnglandI swear drivers education did not teach us about these laws. ChantelChantel
Here’s Where It’s Illegal to Put Tomatoes in New England Clam ChowderHere’s Where It’s Illegal to Put Tomatoes in New England Clam ChowderCheers to Massachusetts and (almost) Maine. Jolana MillerJolana Miller