In preparation for the upcoming Scripps Spelling Bee, Google Trends released a map detailing every state's most misspelled word. Here in Maine, given the lengthy winter and a particularly brutal flu season, it's hardly a surprise that that pneumonia tops the list...
All over the world kids are getting back to basics when it comes to keeping themselves entertained. The latest fad involves zero screen time and a meager investment of approximately 99 cents for a plastic water bottle. The "Bottle Flipping" trend was started by North Carolina high school student Michael Senatore during his school's talent show...
There's been a decidedly modern turn in country music and country radio lately. Beats, scratching records, rednecks, and pickup trucks litter the airwaves these days. Times change of course. I remember when Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers took flack for their hit 'Islands in the Stream' because it was too pop.
I love country music. Let's get that out of the way right now. Like any form of art, especially commercial art that is designed to turn a profit, there is the attitude that success breeds copycats which breeds mediocrity which means bad things for the genre. A new video put together for YouTube illustrates this 'bandwagon' mentality in all its glory.