A Rare Split-Colored Lobster Was Caught off the Coast of MaineA Rare Split-Colored Lobster Was Caught off the Coast of MaineIt's been a quiet summer for rare lobsters until a one-in-50 million split colored lobster was pulled from the waters off of Stonington, Maine.JoeyJoey
Shark Attack Off The Coast Of Harpswell In Maine Claims VictimShark Attack Off The Coast Of Harpswell In Maine Claims VictimThe Maine Marine Patrol confirmed that a woman lost her life after a probably shark attack off of Bailey Island in Maine JoeyJoey
If You Are a Werewolf, Friday is Your Day!If You Are a Werewolf, Friday is Your Day!It only happens about once every 20 years...a full moon on a Friday the 13th!Lori VoornasLori Voornas