
Benefit Supper & Auction
Benefit Supper & Auction
Benefit Supper & Auction
It's always nice to be able to help out a neighbor in need! There will be a Benefit Spaghetti Supper and Dessert Auction for Tom McAfee on Saturday, August 29th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Linneus Sno Sports Club, located on the Bangor Road in Linneus.
Linneus Field Day
Linneus Field Day
Linneus Field Day
A fun day is being planned for the town of Linneus and its' community members! The 2015 Linneus Family Fun Day will be held on Saturday, August 8th a the Linneus Community Ball Field.
Linneus Poker Run
Linneus Poker Run
Linneus Poker Run
Get ready for a great day of snowmobile trail riding topped off with a great meal! The Annual Linneus Sno-Sports snowmobile poker run will be held on Saturday, February 21st, 2015 with the ride kicking off at 8 a.m. at the Clubhouse.
Child Porn Case
Child Porn Case
Child Porn Case
A convicted sex offender from the Southern Aroostook County town of Linneus was in a Bangor court room yesterday where he changed his plea admitting his guilt.

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