
Did ‘Friends’ Chandler and Monica Move Into the ‘Home Alone’ House?
Did ‘Friends’ Chandler and Monica Move Into the ‘Home Alone’ House?
Did ‘Friends’ Chandler and Monica Move Into the ‘Home Alone’ House?
It’s not uncommon for movie studios to recycle their sets between productions, or for different crews to make use of the same locations. For sharp-eyed viewers, this can create the surreal effect of fictional universes overlapping and coexisting with one another. Take Hogan’s Heroes, for instance: the company behind the popular POW camp-set sitcom put the compound on which they shot most of their episodes up for sale after they had wrapped. It was later used for numerous other shoots, most notably in the pornographic Nazi-exploitation film Ilsa, She-Wolf of the S.S.
Shelter Benefit
Shelter Benefit
Shelter Benefit
The Central Aroostook Humane Society is putting on a fun event to celebrate those furry creatures we call our friends.  It's the 4th Annual 'Toast for the Animals.'