Maine CDC Director Dr. Shah Weighs in On WordleMaine CDC Director Dr. Shah Weighs in On WordleWe have officially entered the Wordle phase of the pandemic.Brittany RoseBrittany Rose
Dr. Shah Has Very Surprising Answer About Maine Lobsters Causing CovidDr. Shah Has Very Surprising Answer About Maine Lobsters Causing CovidNo wonder we love this guy.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Is Taking a Vaccine Selfie Necessary? Maine CDC Director Hilariously Weighs InIs Taking a Vaccine Selfie Necessary? Maine CDC Director Hilariously Weighs InWe've seen them clogging our news feeds for months, the vaccination selfie. Is it a requirement?Brittany RoseBrittany Rose
Dr. Shah Updates Maine Wedding Reception OutbreakDr. Shah Updates Maine Wedding Reception OutbreakTown offices, school buildings, lodges and most stores in the area have been closed until further notice. Associated PressAssociated PressAssociated PressAssociated Press
Westbrook Woman Sells T-Shirts Honoring Our New Hero Dr. ShahWestbrook Woman Sells T-Shirts Honoring Our New Hero Dr. ShahAnna Watson Schwartz thought what we all thought, that Dr. Shah is awesome.Lori VoornasLori Voornas