For the second year, Northern Maine Community College freshmen connected to the larger community by volunteering their time and service for the greater good.
Northern Maine Community College is proud to announce that nursing student Jenny Ann Morneault has been selected to receive a $1000 scholarship from Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society as a 2016 Coca-Cola Leaders of Promise Scholar.
We talked with Traci Place, formerly of Presque Isle, business agent for Local Union 340 about their annual food drive during the Maine Potato Blossom parade..
Helping a good cause and getting my Irish on??? Count me in!
Thompson-Hamel, LCC presents Irish Fest! A fun filled day to kick of St. Patty's day with engaging indoor and outdoor activities that will appeal to all ages of the family.
Catholic Charities Maine is launching a new program to provide locally-grown produce to food pantries in Aroostook County. The pilot project was made possible through a 77 thousand dollar grant from the Walmart Foundation.