The Bangor Police have such a great Facebook page. This time it's a dash cam video of an officer slipping on ice - and it's one of the best we've seen.
Another funny post on the Bangor PD's Facebook page. This time, it's a wake up call for the Bangor Firefighters. Lights, cameras, action are too real in this story.
On Friday, October 21, from 7am to 6pm, the Penobscot County Sheriff’s Office and the Bangor Police Department will be hosting a “Drug Take Back & Shredding Event”.
It's hard to believe that someone would think these are real, especially with the words For Motion Picture Use Only" in huge letters, but apparently someone in Bangor has been passing these fake $100 bills and now the cops are looking for the culprit.
The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency says meth labs discovered inside a home in Bangor and a vehicle in Lincoln bring to 73 the number of meth responses by the drug agency this year.
Great news!
This is pretty low. Literally. This woman pointed something out on a lower shelf of a local store and when an elderly woman went to grab it, the person grabbed the elderly ladies wallet. LOW.
As usual, the Bangor Police Facebook page has done a fantastic write up...
Bangor Police continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding a man's death and now they're reaching out to the public for more information.
During last week's major snow storm, police received a report on a person lying on the ground in front of the Walmart sign on Stillwater Avenue.