With every new year comes resolutions, and one of the biggest is continually healthy eating. If you're one of the millions who are saying 'no' to junk in 2014, take a few tips from legend Reba McEntire. She's focusing on drinking ... but not the kind you'd expect!

The redhead is a huge fan of juicing and tells Country Weekly that it's a part of her daily routine. “I do it every morning," McEntire says. "I try to stay more vegetable than fruit because there’s more sugar in fruit."

The country star explains why she's chosen to become more juicy, replacing one of her meals with liquid, saying, "Also, the reason that it’s so important is because your digestive system needs a break and it doesn’t have to digest the juice. You need one meal a day that is a liquid."

You have to admit, the 58-year-old singer looks amazing, and she seems to have boundless energy whenever she's onstage. Her veggie-filled juice will only make her superwoman!

In the past, other country stars have shared their secrets to trim waists and sculpted bodies. Miranda Lambert focuses on half portions and hubby Blake Shelton's support, Carrie Underwood follows a vegan diet and Tim McGraw avoids beef and is an avid believer in CrossFit.

What is your 2014 resolution?

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